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Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade ; 19(46): 3772, 20241804.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552241


A aprendizagem baseada em projeto orientada pelos fundamentos da educação interprofissional é um modelo que pode contribuir para a formação de relacionamentos interpessoais, criatividade, empatia e colaboração na educação médica, por meio de uma colaboração mútua com profissionais de saúde da rede. Muito se fala da efetividade desse método no campo do ensino e aprendizagem médica, mas há a necessidade de incluir a importância do desenvolvimento de habilidades interprofissionais, com equipes colaborativas, em ações extensionistas, diante das necessidades locais no contexto da atenção primária, pensando na melhoria dos resultados de saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um relato de experiência de aprendizagem baseada em projeto de estudantes de Medicina no contexto da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Participaram deste trabalho estudantes do Módulo Integração Ensino, Serviço e Comunidade da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri que executaram, em colaboração com uma equipe interprofissional o projeto sobre a saúde do homem. Como resultado da análise qualitativa do feedback entre os integrantes, observaram-se mudanças no comportamento dos estudantes, com melhorias na comunicação, empatia e nas relações interpessoais, por meio do trabalho colaborativo com a equipe interprofissional. Esta experiência poderá ser adaptada para implementar o ensino e aprendizagem no projeto pedagógico orientado pela educação interprofissional na atenção primária.

Project-based learning guided by the fundamentals of interprofessional education is a model that can contribute to the formation of interpersonal relationships, creativity, empathy and collaboration within medical education, through mutual collaboration with health professionals in the health network. Much has been said about the effectiveness of this method in medical teaching and learning, but there is a need to include the importance of developing interprofessional skills, with collaborative teams, within extension actions, in view of local needs in the context of primary care, thinking about the improved health outcomes. The objective of this work was to present a report of a project-based learning experience of medical students in Family Health Strategy. Students from the Teaching, Service and Community Integration Module of the Faculty of Medicine of Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri participated in this work, executing in collaboration with an interprofessional team a project about men's health. As a result of the qualitative analysis of the feedback among the members, changes in student behavior were observed with improvements in communication, empathy and interpersonal relationships through collaborative work with the interprofessional team. This experience can be adapted to implement teaching and learning in the pedagogical project guided by interprofessional education in primary care.

El aprendizaje basado en proyectos y guiado por los fundamentos de la educación interprofesional es un modelo que puede contribuir a la formación de relaciones interpersonales, creatividad, empatía y colaboración dentro de la educación médica, a través de la colaboración mutua con los profesionales de la salud en la red de salud. Mucho se habla de la efectividad de este método dentro de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje médico, pero es necesario incluir la importancia del desarrollo de habilidades interprofesionales, con equipos colaborativos, dentro de las acciones de extensión, frente a las necesidades locales en el contexto de la atención primaria, pensando sobre los mejores resultados de salud. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un informe de experiencia de aprendizaje basado en proyectos de estudiantes de medicina en la Estrategia de Salud Familiar. Participaron en este trabajo estudiantes del Módulo Integración Enseñanza, Servicio y Comunidad de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri que ejecutaron en colaboración con un equipo interprofesional el proyecto sobre la salud del hombre. Como resultado del análisis cualitativo de la retroalimentación entre los integrantes, se observaron cambios en el comportamiento de los estudiantes con mejoras en la comunicación, la empatía y las relaciones interpersonales a través del trabajo colaborativo con el equipo interprofesional. Esta experiencia puede adaptarse para implementar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en el proyecto pedagógico guiado por la educación interprofesional en atención primaria.

Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade ; 19(46): 3928, 20241804.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552244


Introdução: A comunicação é reconhecida como uma habilidade central por vários órgãos reguladores internacionais da educação médica. O ensino específico de habilidades de comunicação é fundamental para melhorar a comunicação dos médicos. As técnicas experienciais mostraram superioridade em comparação com os modelos tradicionais. A utilização de consultas reais ajuda os estudantes a visualizar melhor as suas competências de entrevista e a refletir sobre elas. Com os avanços da tecnologia, o uso de consultas médicas gravadas em vídeo tornou-se a abordagem padrão para o ensino da comunicação. No entanto, a eficácia dessa técnica depende do envolvimento ativo dos estudantes. As suas contribuições e comentários dos pares sobre a consulta gravada são essenciais para a aprendizagem. Contudo, a perspectiva do estudante sobre a utilidade dessa abordagem educativa recebeu pouca atenção. Objetivos: Compreender a percepção da aprendizagem dos residentes de medicina de família e comunidade resultante da atividade de vídeo feedback na sua formação profissional. Métodos: Estudo exploratório, qualitativo, realizado com residentes do primeiro ano de medicina de família e comunidade de um programa de residência estabelecido em São Paulo, Brasil. Os participantes foram entrevistados após as sessões educativas, que foram analisadas por meio de análise temática reflexiva. Resultados: A autopercepção de sua prática, o aprendizado de habilidades de comunicação e os ganhos afetivos foram identificados pelos participantes como pontos de aprendizado derivados da atividade de vídeo feedback. Além disso, sobre o aprendizado de habilidades específicas de comunicação, eles mencionaram comunicação não-verbal e verbal, conexões entre teoria e prática, estrutura de consulta e oportunidades para cristalizar conhecimentos. Os ganhos afetivos incluíram sentir-se parte de um grupo, melhora da autoestima, superação de inseguranças, percepção de consultas mais efetivas, reforço do gosto pelo trabalho e reconhecer a necessidade de mais aprendizado. Conclusões: Os ganhos de aprendizagem identificados em nosso estudo levaram a uma experiência de humanidade compartilhada, que permite aos participantes serem mais efetivos técnica e afetivamente com seus pacientes. Além disso, identificamos que a atividade educativa de vídeo feedback pode ser utilizada para outros possíveis fins educacionais além do ensino da comunicação.

Introduction: Communication is recognized as a central skill by various international medical education regulatory bodies. Specific teaching on communication skills is important to enhance doctors' communication. Experiential techniques appear to be superior compared to traditional models. Real-life consultation helps trainees visualize their interview skills and reflect on them. Upgraded by technology, the use of video-recorded medical visits became the standard approach for communication teaching. However, the effectiveness pf this technique relies on trainees' active involvement. Their inputs and peer feedback on the recorded consultation are essential to learning. Despite its importance, their perspective on the usefulness of video feedback in medical education has received limited attention. Objective: To understand the perception of learning among general practice trainees as a result of the video feedback activity in their vocational training. Methods: An exploratory, qualitative study, conducted with first-year general practice trainees from an established training program in São Paulo, Brazil. Participants were interviewed after educational session, which were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Results: Self-perception of their practice, communication skills learning, and affective gains were identified by participants as learning points derived from the video feedback activity. Furthermore, for specific communication skills learning, they mentioned nonverbal and verbal communication, theory and practice connections, consultation structure and opportunities for crystallizing knowledge. Affective gains included feeling part of a group, improving self-esteem, overcoming insecurities, perception of more effective consultations, reinforcing fondness for their work, and need for more learning. Conclusions: The learning gains identified in our study led to an experience of common humanity, which allowed participants to be more technically and affectively effective with their patients. Also, we identified that the video feedback educational activity can be used for other possible educational purposes, beyond the teaching of communication.

Introducción: La comunicación es reconocida como una habilidad fundamental por varios organismos reguladores internacionales de educación médica. La enseñanza específica de habilidades de comunicación es importante para mejorar la comunicación de los médicos. Las técnicas experienciales parecen ser superiores a los modelos tradicionales. El uso de consultas reales ayuda a los estudiantes a visualizar y reflexionar mejor sobre sus habilidades de entrevista. Actualizado por la tecnología, el uso de consultas médicas grabadas en video se ha convertido en el enfoque estándar para la enseñanza de la comunicación. Sin embargo, para que la técnica funcione, la participación de los estudiantes es crucial. Sus contribuciones y comentarios de los compañeros sobre la consulta grabada son esenciales para el aprendizaje. Sin embargo, la perspectiva de los estudiantes sobre la utilidad de este enfoque educativo ha recibido poca atención. Objetivos: Comprender la percepción del aprendizaje por parte de los residentes de medicina de familia y comunitaria como resultado de la actividad de vídeo feedback en su formación profesional. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo exploratorio realizado con residentes de primer año de medicina familiar y comunitaria de un programa de residencia establecido en São Paulo, Brasil. Los participantes fueron entrevistados después de una sesión educativa, que fueron analizados mediante análisis temático reflexivo. Resultados: La autopercepción de su práctica, el aprendizaje de habilidades comunicativas y las ganancias afectivas fueron identificadas por los participantes como puntos de aprendizaje derivados de la actividad de vídeo feedback. Además, sobre el aprendizaje de habilidades comunicativas específicas, mencionaron la comunicación verbal y no verbal, las conexiones entre la teoría y la práctica, la estructura de consulta y las oportunidades para cristalizar conocimientos. En cuanto a las ganancias afectivas, relataron sentirse parte de un grupo, mejora de la autoestima, superación de las inseguridades, percepción de consultas más efectivas, refuerzo del gusto por el trabajo y necesidad de más aprendizaje. Conclusión: Los logros de aprendizaje identificados en nuestro estudio llevaron a una experiencia de humanidad compartida, que permite a los participantes ser técnica y afectivamente más efectivos con sus pacientes. Además, identificamos que la actividad educativa de vídeo feedback puede ser utilizada para otros posibles fines educativos, además de la enseñanza de la comunicación.

Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 54(4): 11-27, oct.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229226


La formación docente es esencial dentro del proceso de educación inclusiva permitiendo responder a la diversidad de los estudiantes a partir de estrategias que promuevan su aprendizaje y participación. Este estudio analiza la formación en inclusión de 253 docentes de instituciones públicas mediante el Cuestionario de Valoración Docente de la Inclusión Educativa (CEFI-R). Los resultados indican niveles bajos de formación en las dimensiones concepciones, apoyos y metodologías. Lo que sugiere que no existe una preparación integral del profesorado para la inclusión y los planes de formación deben abordar desde aspectos conceptuales hasta la implementación de ajustes en el aula. (AU)

Teacher training is essential within the inclusive education process, allowing students to respond to diversity through strategies that promote their learning and participation. This study analyzes the inclusion training of 253 teachers in public institutions, through the Cuestionario de Valoración Docente de la Inclusión Educativa (CEFI-R). The results indicate low levels of training in the conceptual dimensions, supports and methodologies. This suggests that there is no comprehensive preparation of teachers for inclusion and training plans should address conceptual aspects to the implementation of adjustments in the classroom. (AU)

Humanos , Capacitação de Professores/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudos Transversais
Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 54(4): 29-48, oct.-dic. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229227


Esta investigación busca profundizar en la segregación escolar del alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales del segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil estimando su magnitud, determinando la incidencia de la titularidad del centro y de su adscripción al Programa Bilingüe y describiendo su evolución. Para ello, se realiza un estudio ex post facto con datos de los 10.182 estudiantes del segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil matriculados en alguno de los 77 centros ordinarios públicos y privados-concertados situados en dos ciudades de tamaño medio-grande de la Comunidad de Madrid. Los resultados indican que la magnitud de la segregación escolar está en torno al 0.20 (ISG); que la incidencia de la titularidad es baja (4.6 %), pero es alta la del Programa Bilingüe (17.2 % de promedio); y que la segregación ha descendido ligeramente en los últimos años, pero las diferencias entre centros atendiendo a su titularidad y adscripción al Programa Bilingüe han crecido. Con ello, se concluye que hay que prestar atención a la segregación en Educación Infantil y tomar medidas para combatirla. También se destaca la necesidad de replantear el Programa Bilingüe por su incidencia en la segregación escolar. (AU)

This research aims to explore the school segregation of students with special educational needs in the second cycle of Early Childhood Education by estimating its magnitude, determining the incidence of school ownership and affiliation to the Bilingual Program, and describing its evolution. To achieve this, we conduct an ex post facto study with data from the 10,182 students enrolled in one of the 77 public and private-subsidised schools in the Community of Madrid. The results indicate that the magnitude of school segregation is around 0.20 (ISG); that the incidence of school ownership is low (4.6 %), while the incidence of the Bilingual Program is high (17.2 % on average); and that segregation has slightly decreased in recent years, however the differences between schools based on ownership and affiliation to the Bilingual Program have increased. Therefore, we conclude that it is necessary to address segregation in Early Childhood Education and that measures need to be taken to combat it. We also highlight the importance of reconsidering the Bilingual Program due to its impact on school segregation. (AU)

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Deficiências da Aprendizagem , Educação/estatística & dados numéricos
Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 54(4): 65-83, oct.-dic. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-229229


La falta de información sobre el uso de la tecnología en niños con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) de diferentes perfiles puede dificultar que docentes y alumnos se estén beneficiando del apoyo tecnológico más eficaz y ajustado a sus necesidades. El objetivo de esta revisión fue analizar y sintetizar la evidencia científica sobre la eficacia de los recursos tecnológicos en la mejora de la comprensión emocional de estudiantes con TEA con perfiles de alto y bajo funcionamiento. Para ello se realizó una revisión sistemática de las publicaciones científicas indexadas en algunas de las bases de datos de mayor relevancia siguiendo los criterios establecidos en la declaración PRISMA. En total se analizaron 38 artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión preestablecidos. Los resultados muestran la importancia de diseñar sistemas versátiles que puedan personalizarse y adaptarse en tiempo real y en contextos naturales con un enfoque claramente inclusivo. Pero también sugieren que la tecnología puede no ser una herramienta de intervención complementaria adecuada para todos los niños con TEA. Lo que subraya la necesidad de ensayos adicionales bien controlados sobre las características que permitan identificar qué estudiantes podrían o no beneficiarse de diferentes modalidades de tecnología. (AU)

The lack of information on the use of technology in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) of different profiles can make it difficult for teachers and students to benefit from the most effective technology support tailored to their needs. The aim of this review was to analyze and synthesize scientific evidence on the effectiveness of technological resources in improving the emotional understanding of students with high and low functioning ASD profiles. A systematic review of the scientific publications indexed in some of the most relevant databases was carried out following the criteria established in the PRISMA declaration. A total of 38 articles that met the pre-established inclusion criteria were analyzed. The results show the importance of designing versatile systems that can be customized and adapted in real time and in natural contexts with a clearly inclusive approach. But they also suggest that technology may not be an appropriate complementary intervention tool for all children with ASD. This underlines the need for additional well-controlled tests on the characteristics that would allow identifying which students might or might not benefit from different technology modalities. (AU)

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Tecnologia Educacional , Transtorno do Espectro Autista , Transtorno Autístico
Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 54(4): 11-27, oct.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-EMG-556


La formación docente es esencial dentro del proceso de educación inclusiva permitiendo responder a la diversidad de los estudiantes a partir de estrategias que promuevan su aprendizaje y participación. Este estudio analiza la formación en inclusión de 253 docentes de instituciones públicas mediante el Cuestionario de Valoración Docente de la Inclusión Educativa (CEFI-R). Los resultados indican niveles bajos de formación en las dimensiones concepciones, apoyos y metodologías. Lo que sugiere que no existe una preparación integral del profesorado para la inclusión y los planes de formación deben abordar desde aspectos conceptuales hasta la implementación de ajustes en el aula. (AU)

Teacher training is essential within the inclusive education process, allowing students to respond to diversity through strategies that promote their learning and participation. This study analyzes the inclusion training of 253 teachers in public institutions, through the Cuestionario de Valoración Docente de la Inclusión Educativa (CEFI-R). The results indicate low levels of training in the conceptual dimensions, supports and methodologies. This suggests that there is no comprehensive preparation of teachers for inclusion and training plans should address conceptual aspects to the implementation of adjustments in the classroom. (AU)

Humanos , Capacitação de Professores/estatística & dados numéricos , Estudos Transversais
Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 54(4): 29-48, oct.-dic. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-EMG-557


Esta investigación busca profundizar en la segregación escolar del alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales del segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil estimando su magnitud, determinando la incidencia de la titularidad del centro y de su adscripción al Programa Bilingüe y describiendo su evolución. Para ello, se realiza un estudio ex post facto con datos de los 10.182 estudiantes del segundo ciclo de Educación Infantil matriculados en alguno de los 77 centros ordinarios públicos y privados-concertados situados en dos ciudades de tamaño medio-grande de la Comunidad de Madrid. Los resultados indican que la magnitud de la segregación escolar está en torno al 0.20 (ISG); que la incidencia de la titularidad es baja (4.6 %), pero es alta la del Programa Bilingüe (17.2 % de promedio); y que la segregación ha descendido ligeramente en los últimos años, pero las diferencias entre centros atendiendo a su titularidad y adscripción al Programa Bilingüe han crecido. Con ello, se concluye que hay que prestar atención a la segregación en Educación Infantil y tomar medidas para combatirla. También se destaca la necesidad de replantear el Programa Bilingüe por su incidencia en la segregación escolar. (AU)

This research aims to explore the school segregation of students with special educational needs in the second cycle of Early Childhood Education by estimating its magnitude, determining the incidence of school ownership and affiliation to the Bilingual Program, and describing its evolution. To achieve this, we conduct an ex post facto study with data from the 10,182 students enrolled in one of the 77 public and private-subsidised schools in the Community of Madrid. The results indicate that the magnitude of school segregation is around 0.20 (ISG); that the incidence of school ownership is low (4.6 %), while the incidence of the Bilingual Program is high (17.2 % on average); and that segregation has slightly decreased in recent years, however the differences between schools based on ownership and affiliation to the Bilingual Program have increased. Therefore, we conclude that it is necessary to address segregation in Early Childhood Education and that measures need to be taken to combat it. We also highlight the importance of reconsidering the Bilingual Program due to its impact on school segregation. (AU)

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Deficiências da Aprendizagem , Educação/estatística & dados numéricos
Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 54(4): 65-83, oct.-dic. 2024.
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-EMG-559


La falta de información sobre el uso de la tecnología en niños con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) de diferentes perfiles puede dificultar que docentes y alumnos se estén beneficiando del apoyo tecnológico más eficaz y ajustado a sus necesidades. El objetivo de esta revisión fue analizar y sintetizar la evidencia científica sobre la eficacia de los recursos tecnológicos en la mejora de la comprensión emocional de estudiantes con TEA con perfiles de alto y bajo funcionamiento. Para ello se realizó una revisión sistemática de las publicaciones científicas indexadas en algunas de las bases de datos de mayor relevancia siguiendo los criterios establecidos en la declaración PRISMA. En total se analizaron 38 artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión preestablecidos. Los resultados muestran la importancia de diseñar sistemas versátiles que puedan personalizarse y adaptarse en tiempo real y en contextos naturales con un enfoque claramente inclusivo. Pero también sugieren que la tecnología puede no ser una herramienta de intervención complementaria adecuada para todos los niños con TEA. Lo que subraya la necesidad de ensayos adicionales bien controlados sobre las características que permitan identificar qué estudiantes podrían o no beneficiarse de diferentes modalidades de tecnología. (AU)

The lack of information on the use of technology in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) of different profiles can make it difficult for teachers and students to benefit from the most effective technology support tailored to their needs. The aim of this review was to analyze and synthesize scientific evidence on the effectiveness of technological resources in improving the emotional understanding of students with high and low functioning ASD profiles. A systematic review of the scientific publications indexed in some of the most relevant databases was carried out following the criteria established in the PRISMA declaration. A total of 38 articles that met the pre-established inclusion criteria were analyzed. The results show the importance of designing versatile systems that can be customized and adapted in real time and in natural contexts with a clearly inclusive approach. But they also suggest that technology may not be an appropriate complementary intervention tool for all children with ASD. This underlines the need for additional well-controlled tests on the characteristics that would allow identifying which students might or might not benefit from different technology modalities. (AU)

Humanos , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Adolescente , Tecnologia Educacional , Transtorno do Espectro Autista , Transtorno Autístico
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(4): 552-567, jul. 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538061


Ethnobotany approached through ethnoeducation allows for the preservation of the cultural heritage of indigenous communities. In this way, the ethnobotanical knowledge of primary school students from the Paniquita Indigenous Community was recognized, regarding the cultural knowledge of medicinal plants and their significance in the conservation of the biocultural heritage. This research had a qualitative, ethnographic approach. The sample consisted of ten students who were part of a focus group, ethnobotanical walks, and participatory workshops with drawings since they stimulate students' creative and dynamic thinking and strengthen interculturality. Twenty-one plants were reported, which are used to relieve sore throats, headaches, and stomach aches, as well as to treat diarrhea and fever, to prevent flu, and as a purgative. All the medicinal plants mentioned grow in the community and are either cultivated or wild, which also shows the students' knowledge of the ir territory. These findings reflect the importance of ethno-education and ethnobotany at school and how historical reconstruction processes are generated from these settings, where indigenous ancestral knowledge is made visible.

La etnobotánica abordada desde la etnoeducación permite mantener el legado cultural de los pueblos originarios. De esta manera, se reconoció el conocimiento etnobotáni co de los estudiantes de primaria de la Comunidad Indígena Paniquita, sobre el conocimiento cultural de las plantas medicinales y su importancia para la conservación del patrimonio biocultural. La investigación tuvo un enfoque cualitativo y etnográfico. La muestra estuvo conformada por diez estudiantes que formaron parte de un grupo focal, caminatas etnobotánicas y talleres participativos con dibujos, ya que estimulan el pensamiento creativo y dinámico de los estudiantes y fortalecen la interculturalidad. Se reportaron 21 plantas que se utilizan para aliviar dolores de garganta, cabeza y estómago, así como para tratar la diarrea y la fiebre, para prevenir la gripe y como purgante. Todas las plantas medicinales mencionadas crecen en la comunidad y son cultivadas o silvestres, lo que también demuestra el conocimiento que los estudiantes tienen de su territorio. Estos hallazgos reflejan la importancia de la etnoeducación y la etnobotánica en la escuela y cómo se generan procesos de reconstrucción histórica desde estos escenarios, donde se visibiliza el conocimiento ancestral indígena.

Etnobotânica , Medicina Herbária , Colômbia , Medicina Tradicional
J. optom. (Internet) ; 17(2): [100495], Abr-Jun, 2024. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | IBECS | ID: ibc-231628


Purpose: This systematic review evaluates current literature on the impact vision impairment has on reading and literacy levels within education. Methods: Six databases were searched with inclusion criteria of trials or studies involving children who are blind or vision impaired, and impact on academic or school performance – including reading and literacy. 1262 articles were identified, with 61 papers undergoing full screening. Quality appraisal was performed using Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP) and seven articles deemed eligible for inclusion. Results: Included articles achieved a quality score of over 70 % using the CASP checklists. Direct comparison of articles was not possible due to methodological differences in assessing reading and literacy levels. All seven studies investigated aspects of reading speed, with additional measures of reading performance, such as reading reserve, comprehension, and reading accuracy. Discussion: Underlying trends highlighted students with a vision impairment do not perform at same level as their normally sighted peers with respect to reading performance - in terms of speed, but not ability. Additionally, early intervention to enhance literacy skills may help improve educational outcomes. Future direction should be aimed at identifying specific obstacles to learning these students face and providing interventions to improve academic outcomes. (AU)

Humanos , Criança , Cegueira , Educação , Literatura , Leitura
J. bras. nefrol ; 46(2): e20230117, Apr.-June 2024. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550486


Abstract Introduction: Chronic kidney disease is usually asymptomatic, and its diagnosis depends on laboratory tests, with emphasis on serum creatinine and proteinuria. Objective: To assess knowledge on the role of serum creatinine as a biomarker of kidney function in a sample of the Brazilian population. Method: Cross-sectional observational study conducted in São Paulo (SP, Brazil), in which a random adult population was interviewed. Results: A total of 1138 subjects were interviewed, with a median age of 36 years old (27-52); 55.1% were female. Regarding the "creatinine" biomarker, 40.6% stated they had never performed such a test. When asked about their knowledge on the usefulness of this exam, only 19.6% knew its function. The other responses were "I don't know" (71.6%), evaluating heart function (0.9%) and liver function (7.8%). Of those who reported they had already taken a creatinine test, only 29.4% correctly identified the role of creatinine. When dividing the groups into "knows" and "does not know" the function of creatinine, a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) was observed regarding level of education, female sex, being a healthcare student/worker, having ever measured creatinine, knowing someone with kidney disease and older age. In the multivariate analysis, the main variable related to knowing the creatinine role was having previously taken the test (OR 5.16; 95% CI 3.16-8.43, p < 0.001). Conclusion: There is a significant lack of knowledge about creatinine and its use in checkups. The results indicate that greater efforts are needed from healthcare professionals to raise awareness on the role of serum creatinine.

Resumo Introdução: A doença renal crônica costuma ser assintomática e seu diagnóstico depende da realização de exames laboratoriais, com destaque para a creatinina sérica e pesquisa de proteinúria. Objetivo: Avaliar em uma amostra da população brasileira o conhecimento sobre o papel da creatinina sérica como marcador de função renal. Método: Estudo observacional transversal realizado na cidade de São Paulo (SP, Brasil), em que foi entrevistada uma população adulta aleatória. Resultados: Foram entrevistados 1138 indivíduos, com idade mediana de 36 anos (27-52); 55,1% do sexo feminino. Com relação ao marcador "creatinina", 40,6% afirmaram que nunca realizaram tal dosagem. Quando questionados quanto ao conhecimento sobre a utilidade desse exame, somente 19,6% sabiam a sua função. As outras respostas foram "não sei" (71,6%), avaliar o funcionamento do coração (0,9%) e fígado (7,8%). Dos que afirmaram já terem realizado o exame de creatinina, somente 29,4% acertaram a função da creatinina. Ao dividir os grupos em "sabe" e "não sabe" a função da creatinina, percebeu-se diferença estatisticamente significante (p < 0,05) em relação ao grau de escolaridade, sexo feminino, ser aluno/trabalhador da saúde, ter dosado creatinina alguma vez, conhecer alguém com doença renal e maior idade. Na análise multivariada, a principal variável relacionada com conhecer a função da creatinina foi ter realizado o exame anteriormente (OR 5,16; IC 95% 3,16-8,43, p < 0,001). Conclusão: Há grande desconhecimento sobre a creatinina e seu uso em check-ups. Os resultados indicam que é necessário maior esforço por parte dos profissionais de saúde para divulgar o papel da creatinina sérica.

J Frailty Aging ; 13(2): 157-162, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38616372


OBJECTIVES: To assess the awareness and training of primary care physicians on nutrition in older patients. DESIGN: Observational, real-world data survey. SETTING: Primary Care. PARTICIPANTS: One hundred sixty-two physicians, generalists and specialists, working in primary care. MEASUREMENTS: Participants received an online questionnaire with 18 questions concerning the importance of nutrition, degree of knowledge, needs, and training in nutrition. The results were evaluated using univariate descriptive analysis, with a percentage for each chosen answer. Logistic regression models were used to evaluate if answers were related to training in nutrition and professional experience. RESULTS: 43.2% of participants reported that nutrition is very important in individuals over 65 years old, and 90% were aware of the importance of nutrition in healthy aging. Nutritional problems affect 30 to 50% of patients, according to 44.7% of participants. 89.2% agree about the need for nutritional assessment in older patients; however, the professionals believe they should be better prepared. Two out of three respondents consider the training received in nutrition during their undergraduate course or continuing medical education as deficient. Time of professional practice was mainly associated with conceptual facts, while continuing medical education did with practical issues, mainly the use of screening and diagnostic tools [FRAIL (OR: 3.16; 95%IC: 1.55-6.46), MNA-SF (OR: 6.455; 95%IC: 2.980-13.981) and SARC-F (OR: 3.063; 95%IC: 1.284-7.309)]. CONCLUSION: Although primary care professionals are aware of the importance of nutrition in older patients, there are still gaps in daily practice that could be improved by developing educational strategies.

Distúrbios Nutricionais , Estado Nutricional , Humanos , Idoso , Autorrelato , Avaliação Nutricional , Atenção Primária à Saúde
Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed ; 40(3): e12966, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38616381


BACKGROUND: Organ transplant recipients (OTR) are more likely to develop skin cancer than the general population. One of the main components of the exposome that triggers the development of skin tumours is solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation. To reduce the incidence of harmful consequences of sun exposure, sun protection education is needed for patients taking long-term immunosuppressive drugs. METHODS: In a previous study, we assessed the sun-safe behaviour of 221 OTR using a questionnaire before and after transplantation and personally educated the patients about proper sun protection. After the education, there were no further reminder presentations. Presently, the sun protection and sun seeking habits of the available 176 of these patients were questioned to assess the long-term effect of the previous sun protection education. RESULTS: Two-four years after the education, more patients wore hats and protected their skin with long-sleeved clothing than before the education. In terms of sun seeking habits, both occupational and recreational sun exposure decreased significantly. Significantly fewer people went on holiday after transplantation, but those who went on holiday spent significantly less time in the sun. CONCLUSION: The long-term positive effects of education can be seen both in the patients' sun protection and in their sun seeking habits. However, the long-term goal is to maintain these results and thereby reduce the likelihood of skin tumours and consequently the associated tumour death.

Transplante de Rim , Neoplasias Cutâneas , Humanos , Transplante de Rim/efeitos adversos , Escolaridade , Neoplasias Cutâneas/etiologia , Neoplasias Cutâneas/prevenção & controle , Hábitos , Imunossupressores
J Frailty Aging ; 13(2): 189-192, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38616377


BACKGROUND: Knowledge of frailty is essential for meeting the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education core competencies for US trainees. The UK General Medical Council requires that frailty be included in undergraduate and graduate medical education curricula. Trainees are expected to appropriately modify care plans and help make patient-centered decisions, while incorporating diagnostic uncertainty, such as frailty, in older adults. Little is known about current needs for frailty instruction in graduate medical education in the US and beyond. OBJECTIVE: We sought to capture faculty perceptions on how frailty should be defined and identified, and what aspects and level of detail should be taught to residents. DESIGN: The authors developed a 4-item short response questionnaire, and faculty had the option to respond via electronic survey or via semi-structured interviews. SETTING AND SUBJECTS: Respondents included 24 fellowship-trained geriatricians based at 6 different academic medical centers in a single urban metropolitan area. METHODS: An invitation to participate in either an electronic survey or semi-structured virtual interview was e-mailed to 30 geriatricians affiliated with an academic multi-campus Geriatric Medicine fellowship. Responses were transcribed and coded independently by two authors. RESULTS: Responses were received from 24 geriatricians via a combination of digital questionnaires (n=18) and semi-structured online interviews (n=6), for a response rate of 80%. Responses revealed significant diversity of opinion on how to define and identify frailty and how these concepts should be taught. CONCLUSIONS: As frailty is increasingly incorporated into clinical practice, consensus is needed on how to define and teach frailty to residents.

Fragilidade , Geriatria , Internato e Residência , Humanos , Idoso , Determinação de Necessidades de Cuidados de Saúde , Fragilidade/diagnóstico , Docentes
Trauma Surg Acute Care Open ; 9(1): e001334, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38616786


Career shifts are a naturally occurring part of the trauma and acute care surgeon's profession. These transitions may occur at various timepoints throughout a surgeon's career and each has their own specific challenges. Finding a good fit for your first job is critical for ensuring success as an early career surgeon. Equally, understanding how to navigate promotions or a change in job location mid-career can be fraught with uncertainty. As one progresses in their career, knowing when to take on a leadership position is oftentimes difficult as it may mean a change in priorities. Finally, navigating your path towards a fulfilling retirement is a complex discussion that is different for each surgeon. The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) convened an expert panel of acute care surgeons in a virtual grand rounds session in August 2023 to address the aforementioned career transitions and highlight strategies for successfully navigating each shift. This was a collaboration between the AAST Associate Member Council (consisting of surgical resident, fellow and junior faculty members), the AAST Military Liaison Committee and the AAST Healthcare Economics Committee. Led by two moderators, the panel consisted of early, mid-career and senior surgeons, and recommendations are summarized below and in figure 1.

J Multidiscip Healthc ; 17: 1513-1522, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38617083


Background: Research has increasingly become important to career progression and a compulsory component in most medical programs. While medical trainees are consistently urged to undertake research endeavors, they frequently encounter obstacles at both personal and organizational levels that impede the pursuit of high-quality research. This study aims to identify the barriers and recommend successful interventions to increase research productivity amongst medical trainees. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional survey was carried out among interns, residents, and fellows within a single hospital located in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE. The survey included inquiries regarding perceived obstacles hindering engagement in research activities, factors driving motivation for research involvement, and the assessment of how research participation relates to their job in terms of relevance. Results: Fifty-seven medical trainees participated in the survey, reflecting a response rate of 53%. The survey highlighted common obstacles, notably including time constraints, insufficient statistical and methodology training, the weight of other educational commitments, as well as inadequate incentives and rewards. While a majority of participants expressed interest in engaging in research activities, the consensus was that more incentives and increased funding opportunities would significantly encourage their involvement. Conclusion: Implementing successful interventions such as allocating dedicated time for research, facilitating access to research mentors, and organizing training sessions have the potential to be effective strategies in fostering a thriving research culture and subsequently elevating research productivity of medical trainees.

J Med Educ Curric Dev ; 11: 23821205241246889, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38617120


OBJECTIVES: High-need, high-cost (HNHC) patients represent a small proportion of patients in the US, but result in disproportionately higher healthcare utilization. Teaching Internal Medicine (IM) resident trainees to provide high value care for HNHC patients is critical. We sought to improve resident attitudes and increase clinical skills associated with treating HNHC patients by creating a curriculum that leveraged the UCLA Extensivist Program, a patient-centered medical home for HNHC patients. METHODS: We developed a curriculum for PGY-2 and PGY-3 IM residents centered on caring for HNHC patients over the course of 6, 4h sessions during 1 academic year. Participants completed pre- and post-intervention surveys assessing self-rated attitudes and skills associated with caring for an HNHC patient population. RESULTS: Twenty-one IM residents completed the curriculum and 41 were in the control group. There were no statistically significant differences in assessed attitudes and skills, but there were trends of improvement, including a decrease in participants who agreed or strongly agreed they felt overwhelmed when seeing patients for posthospital discharge follow up (45.0% pre- to 41.7% post-intervention) and an increase in participants who agreed or strongly agreed they have the skills to successfully transition HNHC patients between inpatient and ambulatory settings (20.0% pre- to 33.3% post-intervention). Participants reported better understanding of resources available to HNHC patients, effective coordination of transitions of care, and comprehensive assessment of social determinants of health. CONCLUSION: A curriculum to improve resident attitudes and skills associated with caring for HNHC patients was successfully implemented in an IM program at a large academic medical center. The curriculum may be adapted for other training programs; long-term training woven throughout training may be important to significantly improve resident education on how to care for HNHC patients.

Hepatobiliary Surg Nutr ; 13(2): 382-386, 2024 Apr 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38617472
Heliyon ; 10(7): e29020, 2024 Apr 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38617917


Purpose: This study aimed to systematically evaluate the quality of content and information in videos related to gestational diabetes mellitus on Chinese social media platforms. Methods: The videos on various platforms, TikTok, Bilibili, and Weibo, were searched with the keyword "gestational diabetes mellitus" in Chinese, and the first 50 videos with a comprehensive ranking on each platform were included for subsequent analysis. Characteristic information of video was collected, such as their duration, number of days online, number of likes, comments, and number of shares. DISCREN, JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) Benchmark Criteria, and GQS (Global Quality Scores) were used to assess the quality of all videos. Finally, the correlation analysis was performed among video features, video sources, DISCERN scores, and JAMA scores. Results: Ultimately, 135 videos were included in this study. The mean DISCERN total score was 31.84 ± 7.85, the mean JAMA score was 2.33 ± 0.72, and the mean GQS was 2.00 ± 0.40. Most of the videos (52.6%) were uploaded by independent medical professionals, and videos uploaded by professionals had the shortest duration and time online (P < 0.001). The source of the video was associated with numbers of "likes", "comments", and "shares" for JAMA scores (P < 0.001), but there was no correlation with DISCERN scores. Generally, videos on TikTok with the shortest duration received the most numbers of "likes", "comments", and "shares", but the overall quality of videos on Weibo was higher. Conclusion: Although the majority of the videos were uploaded by independent medical professionals, the overall quality appeared to be poor. Therefore, more efforts and actions should be taken to improve the quality of videos related to gestational diabetes mellitus.

J Dent Sci ; 19(2): 909-918, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38618054


Background/purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound and enduring impact on various aspects of society, including medical education and the training of dental students. The field of dentistry, given its nature, is particularly susceptible to the challenges posed by a pandemic. Prolonged exposure to the pandemic is believed to have increased stress and burnout among medical and dental students. This study aimed to investigate and analyze the relationship between COVID-19 and stress, burnout, and depression in Korean dental students. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 162 third and fourth-grade students from the School of Dentistry at Seoul National University. The survey comprised four main sections: general information, the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), and the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R). Results: The results indicated significant differences in age, study time, career satisfaction, and counseling needs between third and fourth-grade students. The fourth-grade students exhibited higher scores in the IES-R survey, PHQ-9 total score, emotional exhaustion, and depersonalization subscale items of the MBI. Furthermore, the group with abnormal responses to COVID-19 demonstrated lower levels of career satisfaction. Conclusion: Fourth-grade dental students experienced higher levels of depression, vulnerability to the effects of COVID-19, and burnout. These findings highlight the need for addressing the mental health challenges faced by dental students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
